5 Ways to Stay Motivated

The semester is in full swing now which means there is homework and projects to get started. And right now it seems way nice to snuggle up in my bed under some blankets and never leave my
apartment; that would be nice, however, I have to stay motivated to get things done. Here are 5 ways
to stay motivated.

1) My planner

I write everything in my planner, so I can prepare myself for the week to come. If I know this is going to be a busy week then I won't feel so overwhelmed. I can plan my time accordingly. If I have a lot of homework due on Wednesday, but little to do on Monday I can get a jump start on that homework. This helps even out the overwhelming stress, that I know all college students experience. By having a planner, it helps me time manage better. 

2) To-Do Lists

I am the queen of to-do lists. I make to do lists for class, and for extra curriculars. I make to-do lists for chores, and for things I just want to do. I make to-do lists a lot. I think there is a motivational push built into any to-do list I make. Now that it is written down I have put myself in a small commitment to finish it. Sometimes I even will put little things that I already did but forgot to put down on my to-do list, just so I can cross it off. It's the little things in life people. I also find that to-do lists put my mind at ease. I don't have to worry about remembering all the things I have to do. They show me what I need to do in a day, so I don't waste time figuring out what to do next. 

3) Find your best time of the day

Everyone is different and they find motivation in different ways and different times of the day. I am a morning person. Let me sit down with a cup of coffee and I am motivated for a couple hours. I work best in the morning, but my brain shuts off after 9 o'clock at night. I don't usually get anything productive done after that, and if I do it takes me twice as long to do it. Some people's prime working time is 2 AM! Sit down with yourself and ask yourself when you see yourself being the most productive and motivated. Maybe try out a few different times to see what time you work at the best. Make sure you are getting enough sleep, however. This brings me to my  next point about selfcare. 

4) Self care

Self care is really important for your mental health and for staying motivated. If you are a person who is doing their best work in the wee hours of the morning (when I am fast asleep) then make sure you still are getting enough sleep. Hopefully you have classes that start later, or you don't have to go into work until 11 or 12. Pushing through exhaustion may seem like a good thing at the time, but eventually it will catch up to you and then it is even harder to find motivation. Some other things I make sure to do is:
  • Exercise: I feel energized and better about myself if I exercise regularly.
  • Healthy eating: This includes keeping to a regular eating schedule as well as eating healthy foods.
  • Taking Breaks: Allowing myself to take a break to watch a little tv, or make dinner gives my brain a break. I typically have a rule with myself too that I don't do homework on Friday nights. This allows me to relax, and spend much needed time with friends. 

5) Study Places

I like to have multiple different study spots. I study in my room at my desk ( I don't recommend in your bed. I have fall asleep way too many times on top of my textbooks 😅). Sometimes, I can't focus in my room, however, so I go to the library. Find a few places that works best for you! 
Being an art student, I don't always get to pick where I go to work on homework. I can't really take the potters wheel back to my room. If you have conditional places that you must work from, then try to work on it while you are already in the building. It's a whole lot easier to stay in the building until the work is done, then walk all the way back later that evening. 

And if all else fails, I recommend coffee. Lot's of coffee! Happy studying! 
