The Fluctuation of Inspiration

I think every person in general goes through inspiration fluctuations, but especially creatives, artists and innovators. So don't freak out! It's normal. If everyone was inspired all the time I think we would all go crazy with the infinite amount of ideas running around in our heads. We would never sleep! It is good to know, however, the patterns that arise in your levels of inspiration. I personally find that I am way more inspired in the summer when colors outside are bright and vibrant and the warm weather enables me to enjoy being outside. This is where I find the most inspiration with things around me. For the most part I feel the most uninspired, and unproductive in the dead of winter.... so like now 😔. These periods can feel deliberating, concerning, and are really frustrating, but don't worry. Don't give up! There are some things to battle through this!


Whenever I am feeling uninspired I look through my sketchbook. I don't know about you but there are times that I have so many ideas running around in my head and not enough time to create them all. This is where I use my sketchbook the most! I sketch out my ideas, and sometimes I just have a running list of ideas. When I am uninspired I can pull from these sketches or the list and paint from those ideas.

Get Started

Sometimes all it takes is getting started. In cold weather there are days I want to just stay under my covers and binge watch TV all day. That is not helpful for the creative process, and you don't grow as an artist if you're not consistently showing up to improve. So what should you do in those situations?
Force yourself. Get started. Once you get that piece of paper out, and that paint, or markers or whatever you use you will already feel 10 times more inspired. Sometimes it's all about showing up when you don't want to. I also live in my bathrobe at home, because although not fashionable it is somewhat like being under your blankets 😅.

Create your "go to's". 

Check out this painting on my Etsy 
Maybe its people, or mountains, flowers, or food. But most creatives have their subject that is comfortable and their go to when it comes to creating. Me, mountains and flowers are always my go to. Even though these might not be brand new, fresh ideas, they get your creative juices flowing and may lead to something else inspiring.

And above all else I think it's important to just keep creating. Some days nothing innovative is going to come out of it, but that's just how it is and tomorrow is a new day. Stay warm loves.
