Fall Semester 2018
The New Year brings all sorts of new goals and resolutions for people, but I think it is important to reflect as well. And lucky for you all I have a lot of projects to show you from this past semester. I had three art class in the mix of my schedule, painting, ceramics, and screen printing.
If you follow me on instagram (@taylordanielstudio ) you would have seen work in progress pictures of my series.
I had the semester task of creating a 12 painting series. I think I was anxious for Christmas because I chose a Christmas Cookie theme in the middle of the summer. It was kind of strange painting Christmas themed paintings in August, but it ended the semester on a very festive note.
I put a lot of hard work into these paintings, and I learned so much. First of all, my all time favorite aspect of painting is that I might be just painting small brushstrokes of color, but when you step back they all come together to create this recognizable object. Through this whole process, I found myself improving that skill. On one of my last paintings I noticed this change from laying in the precise lines with a small brush, to painting in gestures of the objects and then refining when I need to.
I tried to use green and red more in my later paintings, because I liked the unity those repeating colors created.
I enjoy working on the wheel the most. We created cylinders, bowls, and mugs on the wheel. I love getting my hands dirty and create something that is organic, yet symmetrical.
The most exciting moment of the whole process is collecting your pieces after the second firing. Because glazes don't actually look like the color they will produce after fired it is so exciting to see how they actually turned out!
Screen Printing
This class was all new for me. I had never done any screen printing before this class, and I knew very little about it. At the beginning of the semester I thought it was pure magic! If you don't know much about screen printing, it's a light sensitive process, so when you expose the emulsion to light it hardens. Anyhow, without getting into too much details, it's like magic. A very touchy, and at times frustrating magic. Even though at times I wanted to pull my hair out when a print turned out just right it made the most beautiful effect. The final project for this class was to create a themed alphabet, every one of the 26 letters! I chose to do art history themed letters. I learned to batch prints to speed up the process.
Here's some of my favorites, representing some of the greats!
Overall, this semester was packed full of learning, and creating, two of my favorite things! All of these things I will be able to transfer onto my future classroom and share with my future students. I can't wait for the start of this next semester, and share my journey with you!
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